Rocky Point Civic Association
PO Box 341
Rocky Point, NY 11788

Miller Place Civic Association
PO Box 623
Miller Place, NY 11764

Rocky Point Sound Beach Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 686
Rocky Point, NY 11778
(631) 729-0699

Suffolk County
The Seventh Precinct holds monthly community meetings. For information on dates and locations of upcoming meetings call (631) 6089 or go to www.Suffolkpd.org/Precincts/Seventh
1491 William Floyd Pkwy.
Shirley, NY 11967
Phone: (631) 852-8700
For emergencies call 911, for non-emergencies call (631) 852-2677
COPE (Community Oriented Police Enforcement): (631) 852-8775

Sound Beach
Sound Beach Fire Department
152 Sound Beach Blvd.
Sound Beach, NY 11789
For non-emergencies only call (631) 744-2151
For room rental (birthdays, showers, family get-togethers, meetings) call (631) 744-7033

School Boards
Miller Place—Typically a Wednesday each month, 8:00
PM, Miller Place High School
But check website for specific dates and times:
Rocky Point—A Monday of each month, 7 PM, high school auditorium
But check website for specific dates, times, and location: www.rockypointschools.org

North Shore Youth Council
525 Rt 25A
Rocky Point, NY 11778
Phone: (631) 744-0207

Rose Caracappa Senior Center
739 NY-25A,
Mt Sinai, NY 11766
Phone: (631) 476-6431